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Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss

Breakfast is very important for weight loss, all these breakfast recipes under 250 Calories. And you also need Botanical Slimming Soft Gel to help you boosts metabolism and burn body fat in a faster rate.

You can choose anyone from the below list.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is the perfect healthy choice for breakfast. It is low in calories and high in fibre, this combination helps you lose weight fast. Take 1/2 cup of quaker oats, add 1/2 cup of hot skimmed milk, a small tsp of honey for sweetness and topped it with some chopped apple, strawberries, black grapes, and cherries.

Egg Omelet With Green Tea: Egg is a low-calorie food packed with healthy proteins that keep you feeling satisfied for long. One large egg contains only about 78 calories.Green tea is a fat burning beverage.This combination boosts your metabolism and helps in fast weight loss. Make an omelet with 2 eggs, some chopped onions, tomatoes, and chilli and enjoy this with a cup of unsweetened green tea.

Idli with Sambar (Indian Recipe) – This spicy Indian meal is the perfect addition to your weight loss diet. You can enjoy a homemade steamed 2 medium-sized idlis + 1/2 cup of sambar for breakfast. This combination contains around 230 calories.

Apple Smoothie with Almonds: Apple smoothie is a fantastic and nutritious way to start your day.To make an apple smoothie, blend 2 medium sized peeled apples with a cup of skimmed milk, add a tsp of honey for sweetness and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder. Enjoy this smoothie for breakfast along with 9-10 almonds.

Kellogg’s Corn Flakes – If you are a busy person and you don’t get enough time for breakfast, then you can eat a bowl of Kellogg’s plain cornflakes with 1/2 cup of skimmed milk, garnished with some chopped dry fruits. This contains a total of 200 calories.

Vegetable Soup and Brown Bread – Homemade vegetable soup is an ideal way to lose weight and to provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to the body. You can start your breakfast with a cup of vegetable soup and a slice of toasted brown bread. This breakfast combination contains less than 200 calories.

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